Equiplast International Plastics and Rubber Event Equiplast, a triennial event, confirmed the sector’s revival with a significant increase in sales of all kinds of machinery for plastic Spain ranks manufacturing processes, thanks to the successful performance fourth in the of the automotive and packaging industries. The exhibitors Eurozone in terms of plastic announced a total of 356 products and 136 of their most recent production and innovations, in an edition that emphasised the need to opt for transformation using more environmentally friendly materials. Spanish Centre for Plastics 2-6 October Venu Gran Viae Edition 18th Area 13,536 m2 Exhibitors 226 Type Professional Activities Plastic Transformers event; networking Activities www.equiplast.com Eurosurfas International Paint and Surface Treatment Exhibition eurosurfas, a triennial event, took the opportunity to emphasise Corrosion the relevance of the new functional surfaces for a sector focusing of materials has on innovation. in this sense, the exhibitors of the show unveiled a total a global cost of of 593 products of the 168 brands represented, and 43 innovations, 2,500 million such as surfaces with ultra-low friction, fungicides, bactericidal and euros per year Federation of European antifouling capabilities, or anti-corrosion protective coatings. Materials Societies 2-6 October Venue Gran Via Edition 26th Area 2,000 m2 Exhibitors 62 Type Professional Activities ix eurocar Congress; Viii Technical Seminars on the environment; Technical Session of Anticorrosive Protection; networking Activities www.eurosurfas.com ACTiViTY AT THe VenUeS — 91