Sport Woman Barcelona Woman, Health and Sports Fair it showcased the latest innovations in sports, health and beauty, and Sport Woman hosted several sports activities. Fitness master classes and workshops Barcelona and the on sports and healthy lifestyle (back, abs, corrective exercises, fitball, Women's Race are etc.) were received with particular interest. The celebration of the Sport two sporting events Woman fair coincided with the Women’s Race, aimed at raising aware- designed to raise awareness of breast ness of breast cancer prevention. The number of runners hit 31,000, cancer 3,000 more than in 2016. 10-11 november Venu e Montjuïc Edition 4th Area 27.500 m2 Exhibitors 35 Type Public Activities Workshops; training sessions Organised byMotorpress ibérica – Sport Life uEG Week Gastroenterology Week The most important European congress in this field of medicine brought together more than 14,000 experts to analyse the latest advances in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of digestive and liver diseases, through surgery, gastrointestinal oncology and endoscope. A comprehensive scientific and training program was developed with conferences, debates, courses, seminars, and the presentation of clinical studies, together with an exhibition area for products and services related to the specialty. 26-28 October Venue Gran Via Editio 25thn Area 5.000 m (net)2 Exhibitors 150 Organised by Gastrointestinal United european Gastroenterology diseases are one (UeG) of the main causes of mortality and hospitalisation in Europe (UEG) 86 — FiRA de BARCeLOnA | 2017 RePORT