Large events organises, the associated expenditure improving the quantity Turning now to large events, in some on each correlates with the way income and the quality of builds up and by line of business. Given the available offer cases co-organised by Fira, the contributes to making standout one is a new edition of the the diversity of events, it is difficult to trade fair events more Mobile World Congress, which is still do product-by-product comparisons, attractive. the main revenue earner for Fira. Also but their combination is what ends up of note are several trade fair, congress constituting the profit margin or Ebitda. and corporate events, such as the Recent years have seen a consolidation congress of the european Society of in the change in customer service Cardiology, VMworld, various meetings strategy, which has altered the mix or of SAP, the Gastroenterology Week composition of the turnover. Fira has (UeG Week) and the annual meeting of become a global operator for exhibitors the international Trademark Association and organisers by offering them a wide (inTA), the iBTM World and the World range of services which complement Routes Forum, to name a few. their participation or hosting. nevertheless, the main objective of Customer service strategy the institution is to increase the number To the extent that Fira’s management of exhibitors and the space rented, not is involved in each project it hosts or only because it is the most profitable Offering a range of services that complement exhibitors’ and organisers’ participation has made Fira a global operator 46 — FiRA de BARCeLOnA | 2017 RePORT