Fira keeps up an Commission and other international values, corporate reputation, and the role intense institutional bodies, business leaders, members of information as a public service. activity. in the of professional, social and union Over the year 2017, more than 7,600 photo, a corporate press conference organisations, and officials from the journalists were accredited and over with, from left to various autonomous regions. 173,800 media impacts were generated; right, Miquel in addition, this Area worked on events ie: news, reports and comments about Valls, President of the Chamber of held in parallel to the fairs, carrying out shows and congresses organised mainly Commerce; Ada organisational, protocol and support by Fira and about corporate activity. Colau, Mayoress tasks. The Area also gave support to the These figures increase significantly if we of Barcelona and representative functions of the Chairman factor in all the shows and events held President of the General Council of the Governing Board and the General at the Gran Via and Montjuïc venues of Fira; Josep Lluis Manager, the holding of organising managed by other organisers. Bonet, Chairman committee meetings of fairs and other Over the year, Fira’s online visibility of the Governing Board; and Constantí assemblies, such as those of the General grew. in particular, the corporate website Serrallonga, Council, the highest governing body had more than 518,000 users and General Manager. of Fira. received over 680,000 visits, with more than 1,180,000 page views. its corporate Importance of communication Twitter was followed by 16,750 users. The design of both a global strategy on Facebook had more than 16,700 followers corporate communication and one related and LinkedInover 15,500, with significant to the series of trade shows and events, growth rates with respect to 2016. The as well as support for the marketing of the Firanews magazine received over 74,000 shows and actions related to marketing, visits. Overall, the shows organised by corporate identity and brand were the key Fira de Barcelona accounted for more tasks of the Communication Area. There than 15 million page views on their was a commitment to the professional and websites and 462,050 followers on social social side of communication based on networks in 2017. BALAnCe — 43