Events by industry Industry and equipment Industrial production was more robust in 2017, the fourth consecutive year of growth. The Industrial Production Index (IPI) saw accumulated growth of 10.2 % after dropping to its lowest levels, but is still far from the pre-crisis level of 22.1 %. While some sectors have recovered (food, chemical, oil refining and pharmaceutical products), in others the adjustment is still long and hard, as the extractive industries. The development of Industry 4.0 in Spain will bring new opportunities, but contributions from companies, employees and institutions will be needed in order to reach the average European level. Source: INE; Caixa Bank Research monthly report Cosmetorium Exhibition and Congress for the Creation 3-4 October & Manufacture of Cosmetic Products Venue Montjuïc Editio 2ndn Cosmetorium was consolidated as the main annual event of the cosmetic Area 1,000 m (net)2 industry in Spain. it exhibited the most advanced solutions in the formulation, Exhibitors 91 manufacture and distribution of ingredients, services, technologies and Type Professional cosmetics and personal care products. The event also included a program Activities Conferences; of scientific conferences, developed by the Spanish Society of Cosmetic technical sessions Chemists, to address the industry’s challenges, along with the TechFocus Organisedby The Spanish program, devoted to the latest technologies applied to cosmetics, and with Society of Cosmetic Chemists (SeQC) and Step exhibitions the Cosmetorium Awards. Spain is the 6th worldwide exporter of perfumes and cosmetics, with an overseas sales volume of 3,270 million euros National Association of Perfumery and Cosmetics (STANPA) ACTiViTY AT THe VenUeS — 87