Livestock Forum Networking Day Animal Health Congress The second Livestock Forum networking day highlighted the importance of animal welfare for good economic performance of livestock farms, as well Farm as the need to increase the degree of implementation of new technologies in modernisation farm control and management. Organised in collaboration with the institute of makes for a more Agriculture and Food Research and Technology (iRTA) of the department thorough control of animal health of Agriculture of the Government of Catalonia, the Congress brought together conditions professionals from more than 80 leading enterprises. 27 April Venue Montjuïc Editio 2ndn Type Professional OralthBcn 11-13 Mayue Gran ViaVen Oral Health and Innovation Fair and Congress Edition 1st The event, created to address all areas of oral health, emphasised the importance Area 2,500 m (net)2 of dentists in preventing and detecting diseases originating in the oral cavity. Exhibitors60 OralthBcn had a comprehensive activity program including the participation Type Professional Activities Conferences; of more than 50 experts, such as dr. Saman Warnakulasuriya, one of the great speeches; presentation specialists in oral cancer, and dr. Pere Clavé, president of the european Society of innovations for Swallowing disorders (eSSd). Spain is the fourth country in the European union with the lowest rate of regular visits to the dentist Spanish Dental Foundation and Council of Dentists ACTiViTY AT THe VenUeS — 85