The complexity of the events requires organisational solutions at all levels. produced more than 300,000 sandwiches for services in stands, conferences, corporate events and local restaurants, and served snacks and cocktails to some 79,000 guests. Especially significant is the data for the Mobile World Congress, at which more than 65,000 services were provided daily. Some 960 waiters, cooks and logistics staff were hired. A team of nutritionists were called in to boost the quality department of GastroFira to provide daily support to the production teams. GastroFira actively took part in several CSR programmes such as ReFReSH, nutrition Without Borders and Cuina Justa. (See page 112.) New management model The Human Resources and Organisa- At the organisation level, Fira de Barce- tion Area continued to deliver important lona started deploying a new manage- training (with an average of 17.7 hours, ment model geared to improve the flow almost three days) oriented to internal of decision-making and arising from the processes, policies and tools, develop- conviction that the future and excellence of ment of skills and knowledge on project management must inexorably be based on management, data protection and com- managerial development, co-responsibility pliance, social networks, leadership, team through networking and transparency of management and organisation. As part of the information shared, with permanent the Fira’s Social Commitment, the Young evaluation seeking to improve continuously. Talent programme was strengthened. Specifically, the goals take their quantita- (See page 111.) tive form on the budget and their qualitative The institution is committed to safe- form on the management plan, whose first guarding staff safety and health, and to year of operation involved over 180 people contribute to improving their quality of in more than 50 cross-section initiatives. life. in 2017 the low rate of accidents won As of 31 december 2017, the number recognition from the Administration in the of people with a permanent contract in form of Social Security bonds. Fira and its subsidiaries was of 366, in line with promoting healthy habits, 17 more than in 2016. Over the last year Fira worked with Fira Sports Team to en- 31 people joined the staff. 22 of those courage sport and exercise among em- were women, adding to the female major- ployees. Workshops were given on topics ity (55%) already in Fira’s workforce. 62 % for better quality of life, such as quitting of the 127 new staff taken on over the last smoking, first aid training and the use of fiveyears are women. defibrillators, since Fira is designated as 7.1 % of the Fira workforce, with an a cardiac-friendly area. average age of 44, are foreign (mostly in addition, the company’s collective european and American) and 7.65 % have labour agreement introduced in 2017 a a flexi-time agreement (teleworking, re- new salary-increase system based on the duced working hours, etc.). business results of the previous fiscal year. 40 — FiRA de BARCeLOnA | 2017 RePORT