technology. The new system, still in an Fira trade shows and the Mobile World adjustment phase, was used by over Congress. Only in the shows organised 28,000 professional visitors, managing directly by Fira, more than 34,000 more than 85,000 accesses. expected to contacts were registered via the app. be fully effective in 2018, the new system provides more flexibility and new features, Improvement of the venues such as multiple accreditations, additional Throughout 2017, overhaul and renovation products, promotions, payment and billing. work continued on the Venues Area and the Also launched was ecatàleg, an online Montjuïc facilities, as well as maintaining application that the fairs make available to Gran Via as a top-tier european venue. exhibitors to promote their company and digitalisation of spaces and services its services or products, thereby allowing and orientation to the clients’ needs under visitors to access exhibitors’ information the criteria of flexibility, efficiency and before the event and help them to prepare sustainability were key to the Area’s success. for the visit. it was deployed in the At Gran Via the construction and BBConstrumat and Piscina & Wellness furbishing of the Barcelona and europa Barcelona shows in 2017, helping more spaces were completed. Consisting of than 17,000 users. Plans are to extend it 103 meeting rooms of between 16 and to 15 shows in 2018. 32 m, they are fully equipped in terms2 Another new app is the Lead Retrieval, of technology, safety and comfort, and Maintaining the which works via a mobile device and in line with cutting-edge trends in energy Gran Via’s facilities allows exhibitors to optimise contacts efficiency and environmental protection. bolsters its position as a premium with visitors. it was deployed in six of the Taken together, these rooms have a european venue. 38 — FiRA de BARCeLOnA | 2017 RePORT