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Fira's results in 2013
reveal a certain
trend towards economic
them a series of services to complement and add
value to their participation or hosting in events.
From the point of view of profitability, though,
offering services is different from event production
in strict terms, since the increase associated to
the sale of these services implies a necessary rise
in the expenditure. Once the contribution brought
about by participation in all the events has
recovered, both concepts will be balanced.
It’s partly due to this that the EBITDA achieved is
slightly lower than in previous years, 9.5 million
euros over the 11 millions achieved in the last
years, despite the increase of the overall turnover.
Another reason for this is the structural
expenditure associated to the purchase of
Alimentaria, of which Fira bought the
remaining 50% on January 2013. If we do not
consider this factor, the EBITDA would
be similar to the one achieved in previous
years (2011 and 2012), which amounted
to 11 million euros.
As regards investments, the restrictive
policy applied in previous years has been
followed, at 1.6 million euros. 900,000 euros
has been destined to improvements
in the infrastructures, related to venue
logistics and the construction of meeting
rooms, and 700,000 euros have been
devoted to improving ICT solutions for the
exhibitors and to improvements needed
for the integration of the information services
of Alimentaria Exhibitions.