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(Asociación de los Centros de Transporte de
España - ACTE) provided the venue for logistical
and intermodal platforms and areas of logistics
activity (or ZALs) from all over the country.
Moreover, two new sectorial workshops were held
devoted to electronic trade and chemistry.
13-14 JUNE
Surface area:
7.500 m
technical seminars
European Snacks Association
Snackex, the only European show devoted to the
snacks or savoury aperitifs industry, welcomed
visitors from 70 countries all over the world.
Almost half the visitors were fromWestern
Europe, while the rest came mainly from Russia,
Eastern Europe, the United States and China.
The exhibiting firms were devoted to the manu-
facture and/or marketing of savoury aperitifs,
potato crisps, corn crisps, peanuts, other nuts
such as almonds or pistachios, savoury biscuits,
popcorn and rice products, among a wide range
that embraces both classical products and each
year’s novelties.
The exhibition was also attended by processing,
packaging and wrapping equipment manufactur-
ers and suppliers, control laboratories, and firms
devoted to aromatisers and condiments, labelling
and codifying equipment, safety, logistics and
distribution, and marketing and consultancy.
Snackex became established as amust both for
manufacturers and for importers, exporters,deal-
ers, retailers and distributors in aworldwide food
sector characterised by strong economic potential.
Besides the product show, the exhibition also
organised technical seminars at which crucial
aspects for the sector were discussed, such
as consumer information, food safety, market
trends, sustainable production, innovation and
the commercialisation of food for children.
Smart City Expo
&World Congress
The Intelligent City Summit
Surface area:
17.300 m
Awards, thematic areas,
specialised sessions
By 2050 75% of the world population will be
living in cities, which will constitute the main
driving force behind society. This forecast
forces us to reflect on how cities will absorb the
population and manage existing resources in
order to guarantee citizens’ quality of life in a
sustainable way.
The Fira de Barcelona, true to its commit-
ment to new sectors of high added value and
to environmental responsibility, created the
Smart City Expo & World Congress, the inter-
national summit at which to address chal-
lenges in the field and contribute to redefining
present-day cities.
The event brought together public authority
executives, experts, professionals and firms
that analysed the development and working
processes of intelligent cities. Thanks to the
combination between a top-level congress
programme and an exhibition space in
which the main firms belonging to this new
economic sector were present, the event, from
its very first edition, became an international
reference point.
Attending delegations included those from
Bangalore, Birmingham, Bologna, Buenos
Aires, Malaga, Paris, Portland, Rio de
Janeiro, San Francisco, Santander, Santiago
de Chile, São Paulo, Seoul, Sydney, Tongxiang
and Vitacura.
The congress was attended by 290 speakers
and was structured in seven thematic areas: ICT
Basis, Living & People, Urban Planning, Govern-
ance & Funding, Environment, Energy and Mobil-
ity. Among the speakers were some of the world’s
leading experts, such as Carlo Ratti, Director of
the SENSEable City Lab of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT); Anthony Townsend,
Head of Research at the Institute for the Future;
and Jeremy Rifkin, father of the Foundation on
Economic Trends.
The programme was completed by four parallel
thematic events: Smart Spain, covering projects
in Spain; Smart Rural, devoted to trends in the
rural environment; Smart Green, on the impor-
tance of urban green zones and responsible
consumption; and the International Railway
Forum, which explored synergies related to the
railway sector.
On the other hand, in order to provide as
many opportunities as possible, the BcnRail
exhibition was held to coincide with the Smart
City Expo.
Furthermore, the European Vehicle Initiative,
which brings together representatives of firms
and public authorities in countries where use of
the electric car is most widespread, chose Smart
City as the venue for one of its Advanced Vehicle
Leadership Forum sessions.
At the Expo the World Smart City Awards, were
granted in recognition of major intelligent city
projects. At its first edition, the prize-winners
were Yokohama (Japan), in the city category; Nice
(France), for its integral mobility management
programme; and Agbar, for the development of a
tool by which to monitor and manage Barcelona’s
water resources and infrastructure.
Sonimagfoto &Multimedia
The International Photography and Image Expo
23-27 MARCH
Surface area:
11.800 m
professional and public
Aula Digital Adobe, CasanovaWork-
shop, the Cromalite Photographic Set, 6th Sonim-
agfoto Scholarship, exhibitions and installations,
conferences and ForumonWedding Photography.
The world of photography and image held its
biennial event par excellence at the Gran Via pre-
cinct. On this its eleventh edition, Sonimagfoto
&Multimedia made its debut at a new location,
where it coincided with Graphispag.
The latest edition of the International Photogra-
phy and Image Expo revealed once again, with
the advent of 3D video, that the sector knows no
barriers. This new technology, like high definition
or HDR, made it perfectly clear that innovation
forms part of the DNA of the firms in the sector.
The Expo’s unequivocal commitment to hitherto
unshown exhibitions by prestigious photog-
raphers was highlighted with two of its main
attractions: El color de la Ciutat Vella, by Joan
Colom, and Through the Looking Glass, by Joan
Fontcuberta. Colom presented a selection of
best snapshots from his so-far unexhibited
work in colour, while Fontcuberta designed an
installation that reflects on the exhibitionism of
self portraits and their proliferation in the social
networks, as a mechanism both of seduction and
of identity construction.
Quality training, intensive courses,workshops and
conferences for professionals and amateurs in
the world of the image andmultimedia technology
were also cornerstones of the Expo, as reflected
in the activities programme where, once again, the
Aula Digital Adobe and the AFPWorkshops figured
among themost successful events.
The Barcelona International Contemporary
Art Exhibition
26-29 MAY
Surface area:
1.800 net m
professional and public
concerts, debates, performances,
English Text
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