Page 116 - Fira de Barcelona. Memòria 2011

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Barcelona Espai d’Art
Contemporani Diezy7
The Swab exhibition became consolidated as
one of the cultural events of the year in Barce-
lona and as an innovative alternative in its field.
On this occasion it grew in exhibition space and
works on show: 48 national and international
galleries participated, 50 %more than the
previous year, and it moved from Pavilion Z6, to
Congress Hall 2 on Montjuïc venue.
Some of the best collections of contemporary art
were presented with the aim of promoting crea-
tions by emerging artists and introduce young
people to the world of collecting. Sculptures,
paintings, drawings and videos were exhibited
from 13 countries, notably France, Germany, the
United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Switzer-
land, Argentina, Mexico and the United States,
apart from Spain.
Thanks to an agreement reached with Preview
Berlin, Swab exhibited works from five Berlin
galleries and, at the same time, a selection of
Barcelona and Spanish galleries was provided
with the opportunity to exhibit at the German
show, held in September. New developments
included Art Projects and MYFAF (My First Art
Fair), with works from new galleries previously
selected by a committee of experts, and the
Swab Kids area, devoted to the little ones.
For the first time, the expo took contemporary
art to the streets in the form of activities in
several parts of the city. Under the title Swab
Off, exhibitions, debates, workshops and per-
formances were organised, outstanding among
which was the exhibition Dibuix, representació
i discurs de les col·leccions particulars d’art
contemporani de Barcelona (Drawing, rendering
and discourse in Barcelona’s private contempo-
rary art collections), in which 22 international
artists took part.
The Taxi Fair
Surface area:
15.500 m
Mosaik, Organización
y Comunicación
Addressed to professional taxi drivers and
to firms with interests in the sector, the fair
devoted to the taxi opened its latest edition on
the Montjuïc venue.
Following the example of specialised shows,
such as those of Cologne and Paris, the event,
which is held thanks to initiative on the part of
Catalan professionals, has become consoli-
dated as a meeting point for industries, com-
merce and services associated with the taxi in
Spain. The aim of the sectorial organisations
that contribute to its development is for the fair
to become an event that combines relations
between professionals with information on the
latest developments on the taxi market and on
future trends.
Taking part in this edition were firms that spe-
cialise in the automobile industry, accessories,
vehicle adaptation, workshops, spare parts and
tyres, taximeters, fleet management, GPS and
technological systems, fuel, insurance com-
panies, banking entities and funding services,
training schools, communication services and
safety systems.
Outstanding among the latest developments
presented were the ecological fuels produced
by Repsol and Gas Natural and a new system,
created by a Catalan firm, which informs taxi
drivers by mobile phone as to the places where
there is greatest demand at a given time, such
as when people leave a concert or at the end of
a congress.
The Taxi Fair has now begun a new phase during
which the event will be held alternately in Barce-
lona and Madrid.
International TourismShow
of Catalonia
7-10 APRIL
Surface area:
40.000 m
professional and public
the ACAV-SITC workshop, the Alimara
awards, the Bloggers Meeting
New tourism formats and enthusiasm for travel
were the keys to this edition. The Catalans, who
generate almost 30% of national tourist activ-
ity abroad and 40% of total travel, once again
flocked to the Show in search of information on
destinations and offers both at home and on the
international circuit.
For the first time, the show devoted its first
day exclusively to professionals, around 3,300,
who attended the sectorial rendezvous that the
Catalan Travel Agency Association (Asociación
Catalana de Agencias de Viajes - ACAV) organ-
ises annually, and the International Tourism and
Law Congress.
On the other hand, the first Bloggers Meeting
was attended by 40 travel specialist bloggers
who shared their personal experiences with the
over 300 visitors and gave useful advice on trav-
elling round the world on limited budgets.
The guest country and city, Algeria and Bilbao,
shared prominence with the Porta del Desert,
an area given over to the Arab world; with the
Pink Corner, which focused on gay tourism;
and with Expocruceros, an area specialising in
cruise offers.
Several prizes were given, organised in collabo-
ration with the Centre d’Estudis Tècnics Turístics
(CETT): the Alimara-Cat, which went to Oñati,
of Oñatiko Garapen Eta Turismo Ajentzia, SA;
the Alimara for state, autonomous and regional
institutions, which went to the ‘Astúries, ho diu
tothom’ campaign by the Sociedad Regional de
Turismo, SA; and an award to the guidebook in
Braille published by the Patronat de Turisme
Costa Brava, Girona.
Health and professional congresses
Throughout 2011 the Fira de Barcelona held
numerous congresses and meetings, particularly
in the field of the health sciences.
In this context we should pinpoint the Spanish
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society
meeting, attended by numerous researchers
from both home and abroad; the International
Environmental Epidemiology Society congress;
as well as the Catalan Seminars on Arterial
Hypertension and the Catalan Ophthalmology
Society meetings.
Other congresses
•International Conference on Computer Vision
•Medicina “Update 2011”, organised by the Medi-
cal and Health Sciences Academy of Catalonia
and the Balearics
•World Rare Disease Day
•The Legal Office and Consultancy Congress
•The Tecnio Forum on Technology Transfer
•Wineries for Climate Protection
•United Family
•BAC Barcelona
•Magic: The Gathering Grand Prix Barcelona
Similarly, the Fira facilities accommodated fifty
or so functions in the corporate and business,
institutional and political, social, cultural and
sporting sectors, as well as advertising spot
filming and photograph sessions.
Music, sport and culture
By virtue of their special social importance,
we pinpoint a number of events in the fields of
music, culture, sport and leisure.
Prominent in the sports sphere were the
Barcelona Marathon, the traditional Jean Bouin
race and the Costa Brava Rally for veteran cars.
And in the field of popular festivities, activities
Fira de Barcelona
| Report 2011