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Pavilions 5 and 7 at the Gran Via venue
epitomised the great efforts being made
by the trade fair institution in favour of
environmental sustainability. These new build-
ings, which were officially opened in 2011,
feature state-of-the-art technology: ultra
low-consumption led lighting; highly efficient
systems of urban centralised air-conditioning
(DHC); solar-heated domestic water; and
free-cooling natural ventilation. The roofs of
the new pavilions were exploited as a means
to increase the venue’s number of photovoltaic
panels by almost 7,000, thereby reaching a
total of 25,900 units, which increase annual
generation by 5.86 GWh.
Likewise, the new facility control and manage-
ment system was introduced which groups all
the building’s technical utility services together.
This new procedure was developed specifically
for the Gran Via venue.
The trade fair institution, together with other
institutions and entities (such as the Port,
Airport, Liceu, Provincial Council and RC Tennis)
joined the Barcelona Tourism Executive Com-
mittee as an observer as part of the city’s policy
to become consolidated as a quality tourist
destination and an innovator in the spheres of
environmental responsibility and sustainability.
After signing the UNESCO Responsible Tourism
Charter in July 2011, Barcelona was granted
the Biosphere World Class Destination by the
Responsible Tourism Institute (RTI), an entity
associated with UNESCO and the World Tourism
Organisation (UNWTO).
On the other hand, the institution continued to
collaborate with a variety of citizen’s organisa-
tions in the development of solidarity cam-
paigns. In December 2011, the Fira ceded Hall
no. 1 at the Montjuïc venue as a huge telephone
exchange for the TV3 Marathon, devoted on
that occasion to raising funds for research into
regenerative medicine and organ and tissue
Likewise, and particularly through its GastroFira
department, the institution cooperated with
the Food Bank Foundation by donating the food
surplus generated by events, which has a limited
useful life.
This solidary collaboration, which took the prac-
tical form of delivering 1,292 kilos of food to the
Foundation in 2011, constitutes aid to people in
precarious situations, converts non-marketable
foodstuffs into sustainable resources, minimises
environmental impact and increases the social
value of the product and the firm.
Furthermore, the Fira de Barcelona managed to
secure the presence of Caritas at the Expoquim-
ia, Equiplas and Eurosurfas stands, through the
Fires amb cor (Fairs with a heart) programme,
in turn part of the broader Empreses amb cor
(Firms with a heart) project.
During the 2011 financial year the trends begun
in 2008 were maintained, which are significantly
altering the trade fair business. On the one
hand we have the recession, which affects the
main economic sectors represented at the most
emblematic shows organised by the Fira; and on
the other, the great efforts the trade fair institu-
tion makes to innovate in shows, in international
expansion and in new products designed to
meet social and business demands.
To analyse business evolution, the schedule for
the main Fira de Barcelona shows must be taken
into account. In 2001 two-yearly shows were
held by sectors currently very much affected
by the recession, such as Construmat and the
Motor Show, which yielded profits lower than
those of the previous edition. Also in 2011 three-
yearly shows were held, such as Graphispag,
Expoquimia, Equiplast and Eurosurfas, which
were also affected by the consequences of the
Even so, it must be said that despite the ‘sched-
ule effect’, a results homogenisation trend was
observed, thanks to the specific weight exerted
by the major annual shows and events.
Alongside this, the consolidation must be pin-
pointed of Bizbarcelona and The Brandery, with
their January and July events, and the highly
successful first edition of the Smart City Expo,
a world congress where solutions for intelligent
cities were expounded and discussed.
The shows and congresses staged by external
organisers continued to generate high busi-
ness turnover. In this context, and by virtue of
their great economic and media impact, we
should pinpoint the Mobile World Congress,
the 2011 edition of the international textile
machinery show ITMA, Carbon Expo and EIBTM,
among others.
Operational costs in 2011 amounted to 103.6
million euros, which represents a 2.3% increase
compared to those of 2009 (101.2 million euros).
Greatest increase was noted in service and exte-
rior show expenses, due to their greater volume
of activity. Structural costs, however, dropped
significantly from 25.3 million euros in 2009 to
21.1 million euros in 2011, thanks to the savings
plan introduced in 2008.
Lastly, in 2011 a restrictive policy was applied to
investments, although for reasons of operability
2 million euros were assigned to improving facili-
ties in the Montjuïc precinct and to enhancing
the computer development programme.
Bcn Promotions
Jessica Abdoulahi
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Tel.: +33 1 47 07 29 39
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Analía Wlazlo
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1055 Capital Federal
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Tel.: +54 11 43723519
Fax: +54 11 43723519
Messe Barcelona
Matthias Poensgen
Albrechtstrasse, 8
72072 Tübingen - Germany
Tel.: +4970 7136 55 95
Fax: +4970 7136 55 96
Koraal Consulting
Micole Smits / Oscar Van Zetten
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Tel.: +31 46 400 04 46
Fax: +31 46 458 56 35
Osvaldo Cabrera
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Jardims 01412-100
São Paulo - Brazil
Tel.: +55 11 3063 1067
Fax: +55 11 3062 9725
PB Marketing International
Philippe Bazin / Dolly Sanchez
8, West 34th Street, Suite C117
New York - United States
Tel.: +1 212 564 0404
Fax: +1 703 229 4176
Fira de Barcelona
| Report 2011